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The California Fish and Game Wardens' Association (CFGWA) originated in 1922, and was established with the CA Secretary of State in 1937.  CFGWA is a tax-exempt IRS 501 (c)(5), and advocates for rank-and-file employees (Wardens, Warden Pilots, and Lt. Specialists) of the Law Enforcement Divsion of the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. 
California Fish and Game Wardens Association,
since 1937

Advocating for the rank and file Officers (Wardens and Lt. Specialists) of the Law Enforcement Division of the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. 


Please help us serve those who protect our safety and our valuable natural resources.

“Across the planet, Game Wardens are a small  and dedicated force sworn to protect public safety and natural resources.  California's Game Wardens have the proud tradition of being the first sworn statewide police force in California.  Unfortunately, Game Wardens continue to face increased roles and responsibilities, with static or decreasing support and funding.  We need your help." 

Nick Buckler, President -CFGWA

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